
Showing posts with the label costing

Transfer Pricing

        World of Finance by M.Vijaya Sai Introduction: When Investment Centers have been established, these would be considered as autonomous units. They would be free to purchase their raw materials direct from the market or from their own departments. In case of the latter, there are many advantages like (i) it would be cheaper to buy from own departments, (ii) there would be more quality assurance and reliability. Also, it would be beneficial to the selling department because (i) there would no packing and external transportation costs, and (ii) there would be no bad debt. Why Transfer Pricing? Chief Executive of a big company cannot monitor and control operations of each and every sub-unit. So the sub-units are turned into Investment Centers and necessary authority is delegated to their managers.But in a decentralization, there are difficulties in evaluating the performance of the managers. Further, there is a problem of coordination. So a method is needed to asce